Online booking is available for Willow Creek Salon!
Once logged in you will have the option to create, view, and modify appointments (note, you may not cancel appointments online within 48 hours of the appointment). You are able to manage your personal information and notification preferences once you log in.
Please note that our full service menu is not available for online booking at this time. If you are unable to find the service, service provider, or appointment time you are looking for, our receptionists will be happy to assist you. 419.882.1222 If you are requesting a specific service provider, please type that in the “special instructions”. If you do not have a service provider preference choose “any employee”.
We are happily accepting new clients at Willow Creek Salon! Checks will not be accepted from new guests. Please come prepared to pay with cash or a credit/debit card.
New guests may make appointments over the phone and will be required to pay a deposit over the phone to reserve their appointment time. You may also schedule online!
Online appointments require an estimated 50% deposit to be paid at the time of booking. This amount will go toward your service total on the day of your service as long as you keep the appointment, or give more than 48 hours notice of rescheduling. This is non-refundable.
If you need to cancel your appointment, we must have a minimum of 48 hours notice. If your appointment is cancelled less than 48 hours before the appointment time, any deposits collected will not be refunded. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, and more than a 48 hour notice is given the deposit amount will be transferred to store credit, applicable towards future services or retail. This amount will not be refunded back to your credit card.
Due to the booking software, there have been some issues with online booking that are out of the control of Willow Creek Salon. Upon completing your online scheduling, you should receive an email confirming your appointment. If you do not receive confirmation of your appointment PLEASE CALL THE SALON to ensure the software did not have a glitch. Thank you for your never-ending patience as we work with the software team to resolve these issues.